Starting February 23 through February 26, 2016, the US 64 eastbound lanes will be reduced to one lane. The lane closures will be in effect 24 hours a day. The lane closures will be alternating from a left lane closure to a right lane closure to allow for eradicating and striping.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) continues roadway reconstruction work on US 64 from mile maker 57.87 to mile marker 60.00 between Farmington and Bloomfield.
Motorist are advised that starting February 23 through February 26, 2016, the US 64 eastbound lanes will be reduced to one lane. The lane closures will be in effect 24 hours a day. The lane closures will be alternating from a left lane closure to a right lane closure to allow for eradicating and striping. Once striping operations have been completed, there will be an 11’ width restriction on the US 64 eastbound and westbound lanes. These lanes will be separated by an 11’ two way left turn lane.
NMDOT thanks you for your patience during this roadway improvement project. This project is scheduled for completion March of 2017.
The Federal Highway Administration and NMDOT have partnered to fund the improvements. The project cost is $10,076,094.00. Mountain States Constructors, Inc. of Albuquerque is the contractor for this project.
Drivers are urged to proceed with caution through the work zone, observe traffic control signs and reduce speed to the posted limit. Updates on this project will be posted on the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s road advisory website \\http.nmroads.com\