Update: San Juan College telephones are now working properly as of 2:51pm, July 25, 2016 The external phone system at San Juan College is currently down. Calls can be placed within the college, but no incoming or outgoing calls are possible at this time. The College is working closely with the provider to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.
Update: San Juan College telephones are now working properly as of 2:51pm, July 25, 2016
The external phone system at San Juan College is currently down. Calls can be placed within the college, but no incoming or outgoing calls are possible at this time. The College is working closely with the provider to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The external and internal email system is currently working. Please utilize the following emails addresses regarding registration, testing or computer concerns:
Admissions: admissions@sanjuancollege.edu
Financial Aid: FinancialAid@sanjuancollege.edu
Advising: AdvisingCenter@sanjuancollege.edu
Business Office: BusinessOffice@sanjuancollege.edu
Testing Center: TestingCenter@sanjuancollege.edu
Help Desk: OTSHelpDesk@sanjuancollege.edu