The CATE Center was placed on lockdown and the Farmington High School was placed on a preventative lockdown as this is where the student’s next class was scheduled.
From Farmington Police:
The Career and Technology Education Center located at 301 N. Court Ave. was placed on a lockdown this morning. The lockdown was prompted after a teacher discovered a 15-year-old welding student was making a weapon (hatchet) during class. The teacher confronted the student and he fled from the building. The CATE Center was placed on lockdown and the Farmington High School was placed on a preventative lockdown as this is where the student’s next class was scheduled. Farmington police were dispatched to the incident around 9:40 a.m. They located the suspect at his home and placed him into custody. Officers learned he had taken money from his mother to flee the area. He is facing charges of carrying or making a weapon on a school campus, disrupting the educational process and felony larceny.