The review of all qualified applicants completes the second step outlined for this process. In the third step, finalists will participate in a set of interviews during a day-long meet-and-greet event with all the members of the community, administrator and staff advisory teams, which will take place on April 8, 2022. After all interviews have concluded, the search consultants will facilitate a closed session of the Board of Education to evaluate interviews and simulation data. The Board will make its final decision in a special meeting on April 9, 2022.
Friday, March 25, 2022
From Farmington Municipal Schools
The FMS Board of Education selected four finalists for the position of Superintendent of Farmington Municipal Schools at its March 25 special meeting:
- Cody L. Diehl — Currently Executive Director of Support Services at Farmington Municipal Schools (Farmington, NM) since 2015. Mr. Diehl previously served as Principal of Bloomfield High School (Bloomfield, NM), Principal of Kirtland Central High School (Kirtland, NM), and Administrative Interventionist at River Valley High School (Mohave Valley, AZ).
- Nathan Pierantoni — Currently Director of School Improvement, Data, and Assessment at Farmington Municipal Schools (Farmington, NM) since 2019. Mr. Pierantoni previously served as Assistant Director of School Improvement and Data Analysis, Principal of Heights Middle School, and Assistant Principal of Farmington High School.
- Stacy Y. Diller— Currently Principal at Des Moines Municipal School District (Des Moines, NM) since 2020. Ms. Diller previously served as Superintendent of Clayton Municipal School District (Clayton, NM), Regional Reading Coach (Raton, NM), and Jr. High Principal and Athletic Director (Clayton, NM).
- Greg Rockhold — Currently Director of Programs & Interim Principal at Regional Education Cooperative VII - REC7 (Hobbs, NM). Mr. Rockhold previously served as Assistant Principal/Athletic Director of Heizer Middle School (Hobbs, NM), Principal of Tse' Bit' Ai Middle School (Shiprock, NM), and Principal of Davis-Ramoth Memorial School (Selawik, AK).
“I want to congratulate all the superintendent finalists and wish them well in their upcoming interviews. I also want to thank our advisory teams and search consultants for their work in helping the Board of Education conduct a clear and open process. In choosing these finalists, it is the Board’s goal to select a leader for Farmington Municipal Schools that will continue to build on the incredible successes we’ve experienced in the last eight years and continue to rise to excellence in every pursuit,” said Board of Education President Stephanie Thompson.
The review of all qualified applicants completes the second step outlined for this process. In the third step, finalists will participate in a set of interviews during a day-long meet-and-greet event with all the members of the community, administrator and staff advisory teams, which will take place on April 8, 2022.
After all interviews have concluded, the search consultants will facilitate a closed session of the Board of Education to evaluate interviews and simulation data. The Board will make its final decision in a special meeting on April 9, 2022.