Farmington City Manager Rob Mayes has appointed Deputy Chief Robert Sterrett as acting chief who will assume the role on April 1.
From the Farmington Police Department
Friday, March 12, 2021
The Farmington Fire Department today announced Chief David Burke is retiring at the end of the month. Chief Burke joined the department in September of 1997 after serving 10 years as a firefighter and paramedic in the Durango area. “I want to thank Chief Burke for his many years of dedicated service to the community and for his tireless work during the pandemic,” said City Manager Rob Mayes. “For the past 12 months, Chief Burke has been assiduous in leading our internal COVID taskforce while also juggling his regular duties. We will miss having him as part of our leadership team but wish him well on the next chapter of his life.”
Mayes has appointed Deputy Chief Robert Sterrett as acting chief who will assume the role on April 1. DC Sterrett has been with the department since August 2005. During his tenure, he’s held the positions of firefighter, engineer, lieutenant, captain and support services chief. He’s also served on the tech rescue team and wildland team.