McGee Park and the City of Aztec will continue to provide drinking water to those under the “Water Boil Advisory” via RV Fill stations located: • At McGee Park – Ask at the Guard Shack for directions after hours – Open 24 hours • At Aztec City Hall – Chaco St., beside the old rose gardens – Open 24 hours McGee Park will also continue to make showers available to those under the “Water Boil Advisory”, between the hours of 5am and 8pm.
From the San Juan Co. Office of Emergency Management:
San Juan County will be closing the bottle water station at McGee Park on Wednesday, July 13th, 2016.
The station was originally part of the Red Cross Cooling Center opened to assist residents affected by the Animas Valley Water System outage, and has remained open while donated water was still available.
McGee Park and the City of Aztec will continue to provide drinking water to those under the “Water Boil Advisory” via RV Fill stations located:
• At McGee Park – Ask at the Guard Shack for directions after hours – Open 24 hours
• At Aztec City Hall – Chaco St., beside the old rose gardens – Open 24 hours
McGee Park will also continue to make showers available to those under the “Water Boil Advisory”, between the hours of 5am and 8pm.
For more information on the Animas Valley Water System “Water Boil Advisory”, visit the NM Environment Department web site at: https://www.env.nm.gov/dwb/avwer.htm