Bloomfield City Manager George Duncan said the council believes the local economy is stabilizing. The city has seen a small increase of 1.8 percent in its Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) attributable to the economy for the last fiscal year. Additionally, a community and city budget committee is conducting an intensive budget review process, which has identified numerous operational efficiencies for the 2018-19 budget.
From the City of Bloomfield:
At the regular meeting of the Bloomfield City Council, held July 9, 2018, in Council Chambers at Bloomfield City Hall, the City Council approved restoring the 3.46 percent pay cut city employees took beginning August 1, 2016.
Bloomfield City Manager George Duncan said the council believes the local economy is stabilizing. The city has seen a small increase of 1.8 percent in its Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) attributable to the economy for the last fiscal year. Additionally, a community and city budget committee is conducting an intensive budget review process, which has identified numerous operational efficiencies for the 2018-19 budget. These operational efficiencies are focused on increasing revenue and reducing expenses. A more efficient budget and a small improving gross receipts tax will enable the city to return the pay cut to the city’s approximately 60 employees.
The council also approved a wage adjustment for the Bloomfield Police Department and Parks Department, based on the certifications those employees have received and to maintain equity with other law enforcement agencies in the area.
The unanimous approvals were made following a closed executive session at the July 9 meeting of the council.