*Updated* More COVID-19 Cases Reported at Farmington Nursing Home

As of April 17, thirteen Life Care Center of Farmington residents and fourteen associates have tested positive for COVID-19. That is an increase of 11 residents and seven associates since April 6, 2020.

From Life Care Center of Farmington

Friday, April 17, 2020

At Life Care Center of Farmington, residents are, and have always been, our highest priority. As of April 17, thirteen Life Care Center of Farmington residents and fourteen associates have tested positive for COVID-19.

We are working closely with the New Mexico Department of Health, San Juan County, San Juan Regional Hospital and other entities as we move forward. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, we have been following the latest guidance from both state and federal authorities including CDC and the Governor of New Mexico’s office.

Our absolute primary concern is for the health and safety of our residents, facility staff and other care providers. They are on the frontline of this unprecedented outbreak. Our staff is trained in proper use of PPEs and are following all relevant guidelines in infection control. They are putting in long hours and heroic efforts to ensure that our patients are receiving the best care and protections.

We are providing regular updates to state and local officials on a daily basis, as well as to family members as often as possible. Here are the latest details from our facility:


  • On April 16, all residents were re-tested for COVID-19 as per request of NMDOH (as were all nursing facilities in Farmington) and we are currently awaiting latest results.
  • Four of our residents who tested positive for the virus have passed away. Our heartfelt condolences go out to their friends and loved ones.
  • Our associates are currently being re-tested proactively for the virus. We are following CDC and state protocols regarding their eventual return to work.
  • Since March 14, in accordance with CMS guidelines, Life Care Center of Farmington has continued enforcing a strict No Visitors policy. Only essential personnel have been allowed to enter the facility. Each is screened upon arrival and departure, to help curb further spread of the virus.
  • Life Care of Farmington has increased its reserve of designated isolation rooms from 19 to 26 to accommodate for any resident presenting with a symptom to isolate along with a separate available room for their roommate as a further precaution. The unit has a dedicated staff with its own nursing station and separate entrance to allow for staff and supplies to enter/exit directly.
  • The facility’s administration continues to monitor infection control procedures and regularly updates staff on any changes in guidance and policies.
  • On April 17, the facility conducted a FaceTime walk-through compliance tour and interview with the NMDOH. No concerning issues were noted, and the facility was encouraged to continue its operating plan.
  • The administrators of the Farmington-area nursing homes are communicating with one another on a steady basis to share resources and support among their facilities and the greater Farmington-area region.

--Philip Nickse, Executive Director


Monday, April 6, 2020

As of 5 p.m. on April 6, 2020, two Life Care Center of Farmington residents and seven associates have tested positive for COVID-19. 

We are working closely with the New Mexico Department of Health, San Juan County and other entities as we move forward. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, we have been following the latest guidance from both state and federal authorities including CDC.

Our primary concern is for the health and safety of our residents, nursing staff and other care providers. They are on the frontline of this unprecedented outbreak. Our staff is trained in proper use of PPEs and are following all relevant guidelines in infection control. They are putting in heroic efforts to ensure that our patients are receiving the best care.

We’ll continue to provide regular updates to state and local officials, as well as to family members who are concerned about the health and safety of their loved ones. Here are the latest details from our facility:
·    As of 5 p.m. on April 6, two residents have tested positive for COVID-19. 

·    All residents have been tested for COVID-19 as a precaution, and we are currently awaiting results. 

·    Over 95% of our associates have been proactively tested for the virus by close of business on April 6. These tests yielded seven positive results to date for the virus. We will follow CDC and state guidance regarding their eventual return to work. 

·    On March 14, 2020, in accordance with CMS guidelines, Life Care Center of Farmington instituted a strict No Visitors policy. Only essential personnel are allowed to enter the facility. Each is screened upon arrival and departure, to help curb any further spread of the virus.

·    Life Care of Farmington has designated and isolated 19 rooms and a nursing station to function as an isolation unit with its own dedicated staffing. Should any resident exhibit symptoms possibly due to the virus, he/she, along with any roommate associated with that particular resident, are both are transferred to the unit. 

·    The administrators of the Farmington-area nursing homes are communicating with one another on a steady basis to share resources and support among their facilities and the greater Farmington-area region. 

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