Beginning May 22, 2020 all persons shall wear a Face Covering when entering, waiting in line to enter and while in the following locations within the City of Durango:
From the City of Durango:
Thursday, May 21, 2020
City of Durango Issues Face Covering Order - beginning May 22, 2020 all persons shall wear a Face Covering when entering, waiting in line to enter and while in the following locations within the City of Durango:
i) Any place of business engaged in any sales or other transactions of any kind to the general public and any place that offers services, facilities, privileges, or advantages to the general public, including any outside courtyard, patio, seating, waiting or parking area associated with the place of business or place of service in which any kind of delivery, pick up or other service is provided;
ii) Any City owned or operated building or indoor facility of any kind;
iii) Any public transportation, including City transit buses and bus shelters and the Airport terminal building;
iv) Any other public place whether indoor or outdoor where persons are unable to maintain safe social distancing (six or more feet separation) from others who are not residents of their own household;
As used in this Order, Face Covering shall mean a covering made of cloth, fabric, or other soft or permeable material, without holes, that covers only the nose and mouth and surrounding areas of the lower face, and that fits snugly but comfortably against the side of the face and remains in place without the use of one’s hands. Face coverings include, but are not limited to, bandanas, medical masks, cloth masks, buffs and gaiters.
For more details or to read the Order and a list of exemptions, please visit www.DurangoGov.org/emergency