The $135,000 grant from New Mexico MainStreet and the New Mexico Economic Development Department will be used to purchase digital projection and sound equipment. The equipment upgrades will allow for screenings, local movie premieres, film festivals, and more.
From San Juan County
Thursday, January 28, 2021
The County and the City of Farmington wanted to provide a little more insight into the recent announcement of funds awarded for the Totah Theater in downtown Farmington.
As you know, the Totah Theater is undergoing renovation which will include upgrades for ADA compliance, infrastructure improvements, and equipment upgrades to make the half-century-old theater state-of-the-art. The $135,000 grant from New Mexico MainStreet and the New Mexico Economic Development Department will be used to purchase digital projection and sound equipment. The equipment upgrades will allow for screenings, local movie premieres, film festivals, and more.
“This investment in the Totah Theatre proves that the film industry is more than just the Rio Grande corridor,” said San Juan County Commission Chairman John Beckstead. “With continued coordinated efforts of the local, county, and state level, the spotlight on the four corners is bright. Our moves to diversify into the film industry are taking shape.”
The County and the City are dedicated to supporting initiatives that will help bolster our local economy and are pleased to partner on this project. The film industry in NM creates direct spending in the state in excess of $500,000,000 (and climbing). Productions in San Juan County are eligible for an additional 5% “Out of Zone” tax credit, on top of New Mexico’s already competitive incentives. New Mexico offers up to 35% tax credit. The Totah Theatre will serve as a hub for productions, provide sought-after office space for productions to use for the time they are filming.
This historical jewel in downtown will be restored to its former glory for non-film uses also, like live music, stage shows, and as a valuable education facility for local schools. Additionally, the state-of-the-art equipment will allow for grand premieres and screenings of local work.
“The Totah Theater is a historical feature of our downtown area,” said Farmington Mayor Nate Duckett.” The theater has been a presence in our community since 1949, and these funds will serve, not only as a means to reestablish this venue but as an investment by the state in our local economy.”